
Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School


Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School


A one day patrol leaders camp was held on Sunday, July 23, 2023 at Pirojsha Godrej Scout and Guide Pavilion. 25 of our scouts from stds 8 to 10 participated in the training under the charge of Guides Captains Ms. Binaifer Kandawala, Ms. Anita Asher and Ms. Shenaaz Acharya. The aim of the course was to upskill Scouts/Guides on basic […]
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Ms. Ruchi Yadav from I.I.M.U.N. (India’s International Movement to Unite Nations, also known as: Indian International Model United Nations or IIMUN), a 17yr old dynamic youth spelled out the importance of being abreast of the times. She informed how her organization helps in building interest of the youngsters in current affairs. She notified our pupils of their upcoming student conference. She elaborated […]
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Our pupils of Stds VIII, IX and X participated in a one day First Aid Training at Parsi Ambulance Division, Marine Lines, on Sunday, July 16, 2023. It imparted knowledge of commonly occurring mishaps in our day to day life, how to remain calm in adverse situations and how to give basic medical aid to anybody, if required.A hands-on training […]
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On Friday, July 14, 2023, our Guides of Std VIII visited the Bai Hirabai Cawasjee Health Unit (Old Age Home) as part of the Guides Day Camp. Our guides were welcomed wholeheartedly by the residents of the old age home. They were all amazed to find a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the midst of melancholy. The visit served as […]
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Ms. Saily, from Yakult Danone India Pvt. Ltd., a leading Probiotic Company held an interactive session on Gut Health on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 for the students of Stds III to X. She illustrated the digestive system of our body and also explained about how a balanced diet, following a healthy lifestyle helps in maintaining healthy gut leading to healthy […]
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On Monday, July 10, 2023, the representatives of Anjuman-I-Islam’s Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, CSMT, Mumbai held a talk for our SSC candidates on hospitality industry. They informed our pupils on how the hospitality industry is gaining importance in providing career opportunities in every job sector and also detailed about various programs available in their institute.They also approached […]
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A Mono-Acting Competition was organized for the pupils of the Secondary Department on Friday, July 7, 2023. Mono Acting is an art which needs acting as well as intelligence and it also helps to improve soft skills of an individual.Best 17 participants were selected to perform for the finale after a mass screening. It was interesting to see a variety […]
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GURU PURNIMA was celebrated in our school on Monday, July 03, 2023, by our Pre-Primary Department.The day started with an interesting story telling session, the kids learned how to dedicate themselves to their parents, teachers and spiritual gurus. The pupils wished their gurus in school as well as at home.
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The Officials from L.T. Marg Police Station visited our school on Tuesday, June 28, 2023 to spread awareness on Drug addiction under Anti-Drug Awareness Campaign 2023. They informed our pupils about ill effects of Drugs on their life. They also suggested to inform the police on Helpline no. 100 if they find any drug addict in their vicinity, as the […]
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