
Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School


Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School

Author: admin

The Lions Club Of Bombay (Host) in collaboration with XYZ FOUNDATION organized an Inter-school Scientifix (Science Fair) and Mathemagix (Mental Maths) Competitions on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at the premises of our sister concern school, Bai B.S. Bengallee Girls’ High School, Churchgate. Each of the two competitions were held in Junior (Stds 5 to 7) and Senior(Stds 8 to 10) […]
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Anjuman-I-Islam’s Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, CSMT, MUMBAI held a talk for our SSC candidates on hospitality industry and also the 2 year Catering & Restaurant Management programme (Diploma programme). which will enlighten them about the hospitality industry. They explained how the hospitality education helps the students to build a career in the rapidly evolving Hospitality Industry. They […]
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Guides Camp was held on Saturday, December 3, 2022 (One Day Camp for Std 8) and Sunday, December 4, 2022 (an overnight camp for Std 10) under the guidance and supervision of Guides Captains Mrs. Asher and Mrs. Ramaiya and Assisting teachers Mrs. Sawant, Mrs. Desai and Mrs. Rohit. 115 Guides gathered in the school campus at 8:30 a.m. The […]
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The SPORTS ACTIVITY DAY was observed on 2nd December, 2022 in our school. The students from Std 1 to Std 10 participated enthusiastically.Games involving not only physical activity but also brainpower were selected for the event. The Primary Department played badminton, skipping ropes, ludo, carom, bow and arrow etc. Few of them also rolled with skateboard to showcase their talents. […]
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Our pupils of Std 9, Ms. Bhoomi Prasant Dudhwadkar, Diksha Umesh Dhadshi and Saylee Laxman Gurav participated in the Jungle Training Camp (Commando Training) organised by Army Ex. Superintendent Bharat Joshi (Camp Director) at Pune. Schools across Maharashtra participated in this 4 days training camp which aimed at developing interest of the youth in defence.The participants were trained with commando […]
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Cartoons are an inevitable part of every child’s life. Each one has his/her own favorite cartoon character which they admire. To denote the importance of Cartoons in the their lives, the Junior Red Cross organized the Cartoon Making Competition for the schools of Mumbai on Saturday, 26 November 2022 at Anjuman Talama Salf Tyabji Girls’ High School. Pupils from our […]
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Improving menstrual health in schoolgirls can lead to long-lasting effects on women’s overall education, health and wellbeing. Hence, The Proctor and Gamble held ‘Whisper Health and Hygiene Programme (menstrual hygiene) on Friday, November 25, 2022 for our pupils of std VI and VII.The resource person Ms. Sushma Waingankar apprised them about the facts, myths and misconceptions related to menstrual cycle. […]
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